Native Australian plants are a great addition to your garden as they have adapted to local conditions and once they are established they do not need fertiliser, pesticides or watering. This saves both time and money and is great for the environment. By landscaping with native wildflowers and grasses you can help return your garden to a healthy ecosystem.
Living in Queensland is great for gardening with native plants as Queensland is the most diverse state with 14,000 native species of plant, algae, fungi and lichens represented by more than 500 families and 2,900 genera. Over 8,500 species of native flowering plants, ferns, gymnosperms and fern allies represent approximately half of the known Australian species.
You could fill your garden with:
• Asplenium nidus (Bird’s nest fern)
• Melastoma malabathricum (Blue Tongue)
• Callistemon comboynensis (Cliff Bottlebrush)
• Brachyscome multifida var. multifida (Cut Leaf Daisy)
• Scaevola calendulacea (Dune Fan Flower)
• Tecomanthe hillii (Fraser Island Creeper)
• Austromyrtus dulcis (Midgen Berry)
• Brachychiton discolor (Queensland Lacebark)
• Dodonaea viscosa (Sticky Hop Bush)
• Wahlenbergia communis (Tufted Bluebell)
• Alpinia caerulea (Australian Ginger)
• Acmena hemilampra ssp. hemilampra (Blush Satinash)
• Adiantum capillus-veneris (Maidenhair Fern)
• Stypandra glauca (Nodding Blue Lily)
• Hardenbergia violacea (Purple Coral Pea)
• Callistemon citrinus (Lemon Scented Bottlebrush)
• Brachychiton acerifolius (Illawarra Flame Tree)
• Swainsona formosa (Sturt’s Desert Pea)
• Thelionema grande (Blue Star Lily)
• Acacia amoena (Boomerang Wattle)