Local Life Cashless Debit Card The cashless debit card is currently being rolled out in the Hervey Bay Area to…Marianne Kresse20 March 2019
Local Business Steampunk makes a home on the Fraser Coast If you haven’t heard the term ‘steampunk’ before, or not sure what it means, don’t…Marianne Kresse20 March 2019
Local Business HATCH Design and Creative HATCH Design and Creative Store is a delightful shop found in a most scenic part…Marianne Kresse7 March 2019
Community Derek Smith – Another Side Most of us around the Fraser Coast know Derek F. Smith for his incredible voice…Marianne Kresse14 February 2019
Environment Micro Bats Bats have always been the objects of stories and movies. You either like them or…Marianne Kresse15 January 2019
Fiction The Witch & Waverly A SERIAL NOVEL BY MARIANNE KRESSE Page 1 ENGLAND 1815 She’d been running for weeks…Marianne Kresse1 January 2019